Yesterday was my baby sister Jolene’s birthday! It was so fun! We had cupcakes and balloons, and Jolene got a baby doll that looks like her! Jolene also got some really nice clothing! She turned 1 on her birthday, and when she eats cupcakes she gets super hyper and so messy!
jolenes birthday party
January 19th, 2012Finding DIAMONDS!(in minecraft)!PART 1: the black tall creature.
January 18th, 2012I wake up in my bed in single player Minecraft. I realize my inventory is empty. Oh wait, I have a chest that I put all my stuff in. I say today we mine for DIAMONDS! I quickly grab my pickaxe and run out the door and descend down into my mine. I start mining at the third layer of stone above bedrock and BAM! THERE IS A SHINING RED LIGHT IN MY FACE! I am nearly blinded. The light goes out. I find out the light is from redstone that I have found. The I hear a weird sound from behind me. I turn around and there is a big black face staring and roaring at me! TO BE CONTINUED……..
Minecraft 1.1 is out!
January 13th, 2012Yesterday Minecraft 1.1 came out! It is awesome and there are new spawner eggs that, if you right click them, they spawn a specific mob (in which the eggs look like the color of the mob). There are also added beaches and the textures, when switching from biomes, is awesome. Sheep now eat grass and regain their wool when you shear them. When they do this the grass block turns into a dirt block. One of the best new features is that you can now switch the language! They have added new world types like ‘super-flat!’ Finally, they have added taiga mountains!