Minecraft: potions and potion brewing.

January 11th, 2012

In the full release of Minecraft 1.0.0 there are potions and potion brewing! This is how it works: if you want to make a potion, get three blocks of glass then place them like this -_- ; put them in an upside down triangle with no roof and you get three glass bottles. Then you make a brewing stand with cobblestone and a blaze rod. Place it so there are three cobble on the bottom of your crafting table and a blaze rod in the middle. Then you take your brewing stand and place it wherever you want. Then place the three glass bottles or just 2 or 1 inside the brewing stand grid. There are little traces of glass bottles resembling where you place them. How to make a potion of instant health: you take three glass bottles and point your cursor at water and right click. Then you get a water bottle. You place it in your brewing stand and then brew it with Nether Wart (found in Nether fortresses in the Nether). You do this by placing the Nether Wart at the top of the brewing stand grid. It slowly makes awkward potion and then you brew it with a glistering melon and it makes potion of instant health! How to brew strength potion: awkward potion + blaze powder. potion of harming : water bottle + fermented spider eye. potion of speed : awkward potion + sugar.

Minecraft: THE END?

January 10th, 2012

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Have you heard of THE END of Minecraft? It is a new dimension where, if you go in to THE END, you have to stay there unless you defeat the Enderdragon. That is your main destiny in Minecraft: to defeat the Enderdragon. In order to get to THE END you have to first go to the Nether. Find a Nether fortress, kill a blaze and you’ll get a blaze rod. Then you go out of the Nether, put the blaze rod in your inventory and craft blaze powder. Then you have to wait until night to find an Enderman. Kill it and you get a Ender pearl. Then, put the blaze powder in your inventory and combine and craft it with the Ender pearl and you get an Eye of Ender. You need 64 of these, the stack limit. Once you reach this limit, you have to create a new stack. Once you throw an Eye of Ender, it flies around in the air and leads you to a stronghold. There, you search through it to find an End Portal. At that point, you have to destroy the silverfish spawner. You place 15 Eye of Ender on the portal to activate the portal. Then you enter the portal and you have to climb up the giant obsidian pillars and destroy all the ender crystals that regenerate the Enderdragon’s health. But be careful not to fall down the pillars, because the Enderdragon can destroy them by flying through the obsidian without getting harmed and the ladder on which you are climbing blow up. If you fall off the end (because the end is not an infinite land mass) and into the void, you die almost immediately and respawn in the regular world. You have to find the stronghold again; but don’t worry, the end portal will still be open forever, so you won’t have to do all that stuff again. After you destroy the Ender Crystals you now wait for the Enderdragon to come near you or fly towards
you. You attack it with anything you have and it will lose a small amount of health (because it has 100 hearts). Once you kill it, you get 100 experience orbs and level up to 20 or so, which is really hard to achieve (it took me months to get to my record of 2465). Plus, when you defeat the Enderdragon, it opens up a portal to the regular world, made of bedrock and topped with a dragon egg. The only way to get the egg is to place a piston beside it, active it, and push the egg over until it breaks. It then goes into pick up form and you can place it anywhere and if you right click the egg it teleports to somewhere nearby. Teleporting things is fun!


January 9th, 2012

Yesterday I installed a calibration mod for Minecraft 1.0.0. It is a mod where you get every single item in the game in creative (including hidden silverfish, end portal, end portal frame, the removed locked chests and you even get an aether portal and a hammer of Notch!). Theres tons of new mobs. There are even dungeons with bosses inside them! There are weird plane-like things that are actually giant sky-whales and there are tornado mobs that, once you go near them, they push you and launch you up into the air! There are giant kingdoms that have angels inside of them. You have to get 10 victory medals to fight them and they have giant spear-like weapons! I think they are lances, though. There are floating islands and clouds and you can even break through and walk on the clouds. Some clouds are bouncy and springy; others you just fall onto them and you sink down one block—but you don’t fall out of it! There are cows and pigs with golden wings and, if you put a saddle on a pig, you can fly around!