My Day in Minecraft

January 7th, 2012

Today in this day in Minecraft I was wandering around the world and I found an awesome mountain that had giant caves that burst out of it and it was next to an npc village! I was suggesting that I would use my piston patch mod to shoot sand and gravel and drown the village and the villagers in sand and gravel; but that would be too evil so I decided to live at the village because I was in survival mode and I didn’t have a home. So I used singleplayer commands mod to spawn a diamond sword and chain armor and fight of monsters at night. When I was killing a spider I fell into a huge cave. I quickly tried to launch myself out with a piston, but a creeper was too close to me. I decided to kill myself and respawn, but I would lose all my xp orbs that I gathered, and I had thousands of them! So I decided to use the command killall and it worked! I went back home and I saw that my house was mysteriously smaller! I decided to go to bed and wake up in the morning. The next day I woke up endlessly falling in the void, a victim of a glitch in the program. I died immediately and respawned in my village and it appeared to be my minecraft birthday! In Minecraft years I am thirthysomething years old. The End.

If I Were the President

January 5th, 2012

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If I were the president I would make the White House into a rocket ship. Then I would add a Toys r Us to it. I would make sure that all the things were free in the store and I would remove all the flippin scary Barbie Dolls and Lalaloopsie Voodoo dolls, cause when I walk in that aisle its like I’m in the movie Coralline (which was freakin scary)! Geez, I can’t get how girls love that crap; it’s like they like getting watched in their sleep by a scary fake voodoo doll that may be dressed as a butcher with a giant knife and has real blood on its face! Sheesh, I just can’t get how girls like it, that’s all.

Another thing I would do if I were the president is that I would make a machine that cures people of all kinds of cancer without having to use radiation. It would use Ender Magic but it wouldn’t turn people into Ender Monsters like Enderman and Enderghosts! All they have to do is walk in the machine and in 2 seconds they would be cured and not feel weaker like when the other machines try to cure cancer.

The next thing I would make happen is that I would get O.C. powers. O.C. powers is when you get certain abilities like the ability to throw laser beams out of your hand and the ability to shoot a giant pulse laser that shoots out everywhere and it only kills things that you want it to kill. I would want this power because if the Ender Magic machine turns people into Endermen or Ender Ghosts I can kill them with laser beams. Once you kill them, it turns them back into regular people and they are alive and well. So I would be curing cancer, myself.

The last thing I would do is add an End Portal in the White House. I would do this so I could go to the end of everything (like the universe) whenever I wanted to. That would be the easiest way to get to the end. I would want to go to the end because it has giant towers of obsidian and Ender dragons live there. I want a dragon egg so that I can have a pet dragon. When I am the President of the United States.

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January 4th, 2012

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